Okay so since we're assuming that all of our readers are Irish dancers, we're also assuming that you are aware of the incredibly exciting documentary, "Jig." The release of the trailer may quite possibly have been the biggest thing in Irish dancing since the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest, or at least since the invention of wigs. If you haven't seen the trailer, you are not a real Irish dancer. But, in case you've been living underneath a rock (or you're a legit Irish dancer who spends your time practicing rather than religiously reading the message boards, checking dance-again, and watching the Jig trailer), we've included the link above. At the time that we're writing this, there are 250,988 hits on youtube. Pretty sure we're at least 250,000 of those.
I don't mean to be dramatic or anything, but the first time I watched this trailer, I screamed. The second time, I cried. I was still crying when I'd watched it so many times that I had it all memorized ("He started out like everybody else: hop 2,3......") I'm assuming I speak for all of the Irish dancing community when I say that, although I didn't know it, I've been waiting for this documentary since my first feis. Anyway, you get the picture. This is big.
So, now to the point of this post. After weeks of obsessing, the message we've been waiting for finally appears on my newsfeed: Jig is coming to America.
Here are our reactions in order of occurrence:
After we posted a couple celebratory facebook statuses and recovered from the momentary freak out, we realized we hadn't read the fine print. Turns out, the fact that the documentary was going to be screened in our country of residence was really no more exciting than if we'd been told it was screening in Beijing...or Ireland for that matter. Jig is being released in 5 places in the US. The closest one to us is a 14 hour drive--I checked. Reminder: the US is 120 times larger than Ireland... (It's sort of like when our Irish relatives call to tell us that they're finally coming to America, and we're like, "Awesome, I hope you have fun in New York, but we probably won't see you because it's not exactly nearby...")
I mean it's cool and all that the documentary is coming to the US, but my patience is dwindling...And let's face it, eventful.com does very little to satisfy the obsession. The computer is on to me, and doesn't allow me to demand it more than one time. I've tried.
If you do live in one of the lucky few cities in the US that will be showing the documentary this week, maybe you could sneak in a video camera and email it to us? Not sure about how that would fly with An Coimisiun, but a desperate girl's gotta do what she's gotta do.
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